Develop Upper Core Strength and Flexibility
Pectoral Girdle
Stability and Mobility
Rhomboids connect the pectoral girdle to the spinal vertical.
Yoga Asanas:
Transformational Work:
Pranayama techniques and restoratives.
Seated Poses to Lift the torso
Baddha Konasana/ Cradle Stretch/One leg outstretched
Wide Leg seated flexion
Standing Poses
Wide Leg Standing Flexion
Virabdrasana 11 to windmill pose (repeats)
Virabdrasana 11 with arms bound behind the back
Supta Padandusthasana series (Laying on back) Hold each pose for 10 belly breaths
a. )Supta Padangusthasana B
b.) Supta Padangusthasana
C.) Supta Padangusthasana A
D.) Revolved Supta Padangusthasana
Seated Twist
Marichayasana 111
Transformational Work for upper core
1. Kneeling table
2. Incline w/ small push ups
3. Prone mountain series
4. Downward Facing dog w shoulder strap
Side Bends/Twists
Parighasana Cross bar of a Gate Pose
TadasAna w/ side bends (back to gate pose)
Hanumanasana on bolsters or on chair
Twist- Pasasana- Noose Pose
Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana
Seated Parighasana 1
Seated Twist Poses
Ardha Matsyendrasana – Half Lord of the fishes pose
Forward Folds
With bolster(s)
Restorative Poses
Supine Twist
Viparita Karani – 5 minutes
Savasana – 12 minutes