Fall’s Release by Kari
In turning,
I meet my spirit
as she draws me closer,
to this time of
quiet transformation.
I walk in the forest
and I witness
our tree relatives
standing together,
in perfect harmony,
as a brilliant array of
different colors,
confidently displaying
who they are
in their awesome diversity.
Standing unashamed and naked,
each tree spirit
is humble enough
to let go
of that
which makes them shine
to give back
to Mother Earth
that which nourishes her.
I wonder,
Can we be more like trees?
Can we stand together
in our differences,
in our togetherness,
in our ancient rootedness?
Can we reach high
in love
and in peace,
and leave our prejudices
on the forest floor
just walk away
surrender ourselves
to the beauty
to the abundance
the Fall’s release?