Healing Energies of Earth and Sky

Yoke yourself back to your spirit heart with these simple, supported inversions.

When I go upside down I experience a natural and powerful sense of relief. My mind effortlessly lets go of incessant thoughts. I naturally breathe deeper. Once I am in sync with the rhythm of my breath, I breathe in the thankfulness of each moment. I naturally breathe out, letting go of resistance I may have in my mind or body. I feel myself surrendering deeper and deeper into  earth’s quieting and healing energies, allowing spirit to infuse the essence of my heart and body with love.

Time: 10 minutes

Suggested Props: A yoga mat, 2 blocks, 1 blanketed chair, 1 bolster, 1 or 2 sandbags, and a wall

  • Uttanasana Standing Forward Fold 
    • Stand in mountain pose. 
    • Add a block between your inner thighs and gently squeeze inward to connect your lower core with the grounding earth energies. 
    • Fold forward and gently rest your crown chakra (top of your head) on the mat, a soft block, or bolster.
    • If your back or hamstrings are tight use a chair to rest your crown chakra (top of your head) or third eye (spot between the eyebrows) onto.
    • Place your hands on the mat or seat of chair and gently lift your shoulder blades away from your neck. 
    • Breathe rhythmically through your nose. Relax your jaw, face, and neck.
    • If possible, stay in the pose for 1 minute.
    • Slowly exit the pose. 
  • Downward Facing Dog 
    • Set up the mat, short edge to the wall.
    • Place the bolster or block at the topside and center of the mat. 
    • Set up on all fours, facing away from the wall.
    • Place a block between your inner thighs and gently squeeze inward.
    • Lift your hips into downward facing dog and extend your inner and outer heels into the wall. This activates your legs.
    • Grab the sides of the yoga mat with your hands. This engages your arms and shoulder blades.
    • Gently rest either your crown chakra (top of your head) or third eye (spot between the eyebrows) onto the bolster or block.
    • Breathe rhythmically through your nostrils. 
    • If possible, stay in the pose for 1 minute.
    • Slowly exit the pose and either rest on all fours or sit back on a block.
    • Feel the effects of the pose. 
  • Wide Leg Forward Flexion 
    • Set up the mat longwise to the wall.
    • If you have two sandbags place them at the outer edges of the mat. Have two blocks and a bolster/blanketed chair available. 
    • Stand about 6″ away from the wall, facing away from it.  
    • Place your feet about 4 feet wide and place the sandbags at the outer edges of your feet.
    • Fold forward, place your hands on the mat or blocks. Walk your heels to the wall. 
    • Bend your knees, if your hamstrings or lower back are tight.
    • Turn upside down and depending on your flexibility, rest your crown chakra (top of your head) or third eye (spot between the eyebrows) on the mat, bolster, or chair.
    • Breathe in and out of your nostrils rhythmically. Release tension in your jaw, neck, and shoulders.
    • If possible, stay in the pose for 1 minute.
    • Slowly exit the pose by moving your feet away from the wall and with your hands bring your torso and head parallel with the floor. Stay here for a few breath cycles. 
    • Slowly ascend into mountain.
    • Feel the effects of the pose.



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