Short Sequences

Pranayama Techniques to Help Calm Your Mind and Nervous System

  • Calms your mind and nervous system
  • Calms the thinking brain
  • Regenerates your energy (prana)
  • Stores considerable amounts of energy (prana) within
  • Attunes your mind to positivity
  • Soothes your parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest)
  • Brings a feeling of acceptance and gratitude to our heart
  • Links physiological and spiritual dimensions
  • Right now, try this instant soothing breathing technique to feel the soothing and relaxing effects to your parasympathetic nervous  system (rest and digest).
  • Take a big deep breath in through the nose with a resounding Sooooooooooo.  Hold (retain) the breath for 3 -5  breath counts without strain. 
  • Then slowly exhale through the nose with a resounding Huuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmm. Hold (retain) the breath for 3 -5 counts.
  • Repeat SoHum 3 – 5 breath cycles. 

Sit on a blanket in Sukhasana – Easy crossed-legged pose – or sit on a comfortable chair with your feet connected to the earth.

  • Practice Shiva mudra –  A sacred hand gesture that connects and aligns your sacred geometry with  cosmic energy. 
    Take the index and middle fingers of your right hand and bend them into your palm. With a pincer action, use the thumb to close off the right nostril and the ring finger and little finger to close off the left nostril. Alternating opening and shutting nostrils during this techniques. You can practice this technique with your eyes closed. Try to keep the flow of your  breath continuous. 
  • To begin your breath work.  First read through the description and do a practice run. This description equals one full alternate nostril breath cycle. It is recommended to repeat cycle three or seven times.   
  • Exhale twice to the left, through the mouth (purifies) 
  • Gently connect the index and middle fingers next to the left nostril
  • Gently press the thumb against the right nostril to block the air from entering 
  • Inhale through the left nostril for 3-6 counts
  • Retain (hold) breath for 1-2 counts
  • Gently close the left nostril with the index and middle fingers 
  • Take the thumb away from the right nostril to open 
  • Exhale through the right nostril for 3-6 counts
  • Retain (hold) breath for 1-2 counts
  • Keep right nostril gently open 
  • Keep the left nostril gently closed
  • Inhale through the right nostril for 3-6 counts
  • Retain (hold)  breath for 1-2 counts
  • Gently close the right nostril with right thumb
  • Gently open the left nostril with the left index and middle fingers
  • Exhale through the left nostril for 3-6 counts
  • Retain (hold) breath for 1-2 counts
  • Begin your second breath cycle
  • Keep the thumb gently pressed against the right nostril to block the air from entering
  • Return to Inhale through the left nostril for 3-6 counts 

  • Focus on your inhalation and exhalation while evenly and effortlessly breathing in and out through your nostrils 
  • Connect with your diaphragm which is located at the lower edge of your rib cage. Your diaphragm is your respiratory muscle.
  • The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle that is shaped like an umbrella that both separates and connects the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity.
  • Feel the movement of your diaphragm. You can place your hands on your diaphragm (lower rib cage area) to feel the diaphragm widen to the sides of the torso with each exhalation. Feel the diaphragm lift upwards into the upper torso with each inhalation.  Repeat this several times to feel the actual movement of the diaphragm to develop a relationship with this part of your body. 
  • Inhalation, for the most part, is driven by the diaphragm.
  • Next. As you engage  your diaphragm also practice moving air (prana) in and out of the lungs. This oxygenates the blood and removes carbon dioxide. This takes a bit more concentration so if it helps close your eyes to feel both your diaphragm and your lungs. Try to just feel. 
  • Next. Move your awareness up into your neck, where we will become familiar with our windpipe (trachea).
  • Continue to  breath in and out at your diaphragm and lungs.
  • Next. Connect with the air (prana) moving in and out of your nostrils.
  • As your draw air (prana) in and out of the nostrils, concentrate on breathing at the glottis (windpipe area).
  • Anatomy: The glottis surrounds and includes the opening between the pharynx and trachea (windpipe).
  • Practice: You can decrease the size of this opening by contracting the muscles of the glottis. Decreasing the size of the opening creates turbulent airflow, producing the characteristic sound of Ujjayi breathing also called “ocean breath.” Just practice feeling the oceans breath without wondering if you are getting it right or not. You are building a relationship with this part of your body. With practice and feeling this area, you will create that feeling of connection. 
  • Anatomy and Physiology: Narrowing the opening of the glottis creates resistance of airflow into the lung. Then the diaphragm has to work a little bit harder to draw the air in, giving the diaphragm muscle a light workout.
  • Mastery: With practice you will master Ujjayi breath.  
    (Excerpt from Anatomy for Vinyasa Flow and Standing Poses by Dr. Ray Long) 

If you’re looking for an at-home yoga practice, here is soothing yet energizing 20-minute sequence. Though you may be familiar with these poses, there’s a lot of subtle details about alignment that you can bring to this practice, to effectively relieve stress.


  • Either practice Ujjayi breath during your practice (see above info). 
  • Or practice Soft Belly Breathing. Decide ahead of time how many breaths you want to hold each pose for in order to customize the intensity/releasing of stress of the sequence. If you’re not sure, start with three (3) to five (5) soft belly breaths, per pose.
    • breathe in and out through the nostrils 
    • inhale breath slowly into your belly and fill your abdominal area completely
    • exhale breath slowly,  releasing air and tension out of  the belly 

Asana Sequence to Relieve Stress:

  • Tadasana – Standing Mountain 
    ◦ Place yoga block between the upper inner thighs and squeeze inward
    ◦ Press downward through the big toe
    ◦ Spread out the other toes
    ◦ Extend the inner and outer heels backward
    ◦ Resist the lower shins forward
    ◦ Pull the thighs backward
  • Uttanasana  – Forward Flexion 
    ◦ Keep block between upper inner thighs
    ◦ Fold forward at the hips and place hand on the ground, shins or blocks, depending if hamstrings are tight
    ◦ Connect the energy of your hands to draw shoulder blades away from the ears
    ◦ Remove block and take one foot back at a time, hip width apart
  • Adhomukha Svanasana – Downward Facing Dog w/ Leg Lift – First side
    ◦ Connect downward through your big toes
    ◦ Spread out all the toes to the side
    ◦ Extend backwards through the inner and outer heels
    ◦ Pull front thigh toward the femur bone
    ◦ Then Take thighs backward
    ◦ Take lower shins forward
    ◦ Connect hands to mat
    ◦ Draw energy from hands upward toward the shoulder blades
    ◦ Draw shoulder blades towards hips
    ◦ Pull diaphragm towards the spine
    ◦ Lift one leg from the inner thigh, keeping hips as level as possible
    ◦ Repeat on Second side 
  • Incline – Plank 
    ◦ Set up in push-up position with firm inner elbows 
    ◦ Pull belly upwards towards spine
    ◦ Pull the front of the quadriceps (thigh muscles) towards the bone to firm the kneecaps 
  • Chaturanga Dandasana  – Staff Pose
    ◦ Try this pose on two blocks
    ◦ Place one block at the sternum area
    ◦ Place one block below the navel area near hips
    ◦ Like a straight board, simultaneously try to lift your whole self two or three inches off the blocks 
  • Kneeling Table
    ◦ Move onto all fours 
    ◦ Place hands under shoulders with firm inner elbows
    ◦ Inhale, Pull belly towards spine
    ◦ Exhale, Relax space between the shoulder blades
    ◦ Keep neck lengthened
    ◦ Keep head effortlessly lifted  
  • Urdhva Mukha Svanasana – Upward facing dog
    ◦ Place hands under shoulders
    ◦ Feet in prone position
    ◦ Press down through the hand and firm inner elbows
    ◦ Move torso forward and lift hips upward
    ◦ Open the front of the chest
    ◦ Pull the shoulder blades towards the spine
    ◦ Pull the whole front of legs upward towards the sky
    ◦ Pull front of tips of hips towards the belly 
  • Salabhasana – Locust 
    ◦ Lay on belly with feet in prone position
    ◦ Place hands along side the torso
    ◦ Lift the belly and diaphragm upward 
  • Salabhasana w/ bent knees –Modified Locust
    ◦ Place hands next to torso
    ◦ Point elbows backward 
    ◦ Point toes backward (prone foot)
    ◦ Keep the left leg down and straighten the leg by pulling the front of thigh towards the bone, firming up the knee
    ◦ Lift the right leg up by pulling front of thigh towards the femur bone
    ◦ Flex and extend at the knee 10 x
    ◦ Place right leg down and straighten the leg by pulling the front of thigh towards the bone, firming up the knee
    ◦ Lift the left leg up by puling the front of thigh towards the femur bone
    ◦ Flex and extend at the knee 10 
    ◦ Make sure tips of hips move towards belly and belly lifts upward 
  • Salabhasana – Repeat Cobras
    ◦ Place hands next to torso
    ◦ Point elbows backward
    ◦ Point toes backward (prone foot)
    ◦ Pull front of thighs upward toward the femur bone, firming up the knees
    ◦ Press down through the hands to lift the belly and diaphragm
    ◦ Keep belly and diaphragm lifted and add lifting the torso upwards (inhale)  and downwards (exhale)
    ◦ Repeat 10 x 
  • Adhomukha Svanasana – Downward Facing Dog w/ leg lifts 
    ◦ Connect downward through your big toes
    ◦ Spread out all the toes to the side
    ◦ Extend backwards through the inner and outer heels
    ◦ Pull front thigh toward the femur bone
    ◦ Then Take thighs backward
    ◦ Take lower shins forward
    ◦ Connect hands to mat
    ◦ Draw energy from hands upward toward the shoulder blades
    ◦ Draw shoulder blades towards hips
    ◦ Pull diaphragm towards the spine
    ◦ Lift one leg from the inner thigh, keeping hips as level as possible
    ◦ Repeat on Second side 
  • Kneeling Mountain
    ◦ Move onto all fours 
    ◦ Place hands under shoulders with firm inner elbows
    ◦ Inhale, Pull belly towards spine
    ◦ Exhale, Relax space between the shoulder blades
    ◦ Keep neck lengthened
    ◦ Keep head effortlessly lifted
  • Salabhasana – Locust 
    ◦ Lay on belly with feet in prone position
    ◦ Place hands along side the torso
    ◦ Lift the belly and diaphragm upward 
  • Salabhasana w/ bent knees –Modified Locust 
    ◦ Place hands next to torso
    ◦ Point elbows backward 
    ◦ Point toes backward (prone foot)
    ◦ Keep the left leg down and straighten the leg by pulling the front of thigh towards the bone, firming up the knee
    ◦ Lift the right leg up by pulling front of thigh towards the femur bone
    ◦ Flex and extend at the knee 10 x
    ◦ Place right leg down and straighten the leg by pulling the front of thigh towards the bone, firming up the knee
    ◦ Lift the left leg up by puling the front of thigh towards the femur bone
    ◦ Flex and extend at the knee 10 
    ◦ Make sure tips of hips move towards belly and belly lifts upward 
  • Salabhasana – Repeat Cobras
    ◦ Place hands next to torso
    ◦ Point elbows backward
    ◦ Point toes backward (prone foot)
    ◦ Pull front of thighs upward toward the femur bone, firming up the knees
    ◦ Press down through the hands to lift the belly and diaphragm
    ◦ Keep belly and diaphragm lifted and add lifting the torso upwards (inhale)  and downwards (exhale)
    ◦ Repeat 10 x 
  • Kneeling Table
    ◦ Move onto all fours 
    ◦ Place hands under shoulders with firm inner elbows
    ◦ Inhale, Pull belly towards spine
    ◦ Exhale, Relax space between the shoulder blades
    ◦ Keep neck lengthened
    ◦ Keep head effortlessly lifted
  • Adhomukha Svanasana – Downward Facing Dog w/ leg lifts
    ◦ Connect downward through your big toes
    ◦ Spread out all the toes to the side
    ◦ Extend backwards through the inner and outer heels
    ◦ Pull front thigh toward the femur bone
    ◦ Then Take thighs backward
    ◦ Take lower shins forward
    ◦ Connect hands to mat
    ◦ Draw energy from hands upward toward the shoulder blades
    ◦ Draw shoulder blades towards hips
    ◦ Pull diaphragm towards the spine
    ◦ Lift one leg from the inner thigh, keeping hips as level as possible
    ◦ Repeat on Second side 
  • Uttanasana – Forward Flexion
    ◦ Add block between upper inner thighs
    ◦ Fold forward at the hips and place hand on the ground, shins or blocks, depending if hamstrings are tight
    ◦ Connect the energy of your hands to draw shoulder blades away from the ears
    ◦ Remove block and take one foot back at a time, hip width apart
  • Tadasana – Standing Mountain 
    ◦ Place yoga block between the upper inner thighs and squeeze inward
    ◦ Press downward through the big toe
    ◦ Spread out the other toes
    ◦ Extend the inner and outer heels backward
    ◦ Resist the lower shins forward
    ◦ Pull the thighs backward
  • Savasana – Corpse Pose 
    ◦ Lay on back on mat
    ◦ Relax arms and legs
    ◦ Draw shoulder blades towards the ribs
    ◦ Relax for 5-10 minutes

We all experience back pain at some point in our lives and there are many lifestyle factors that can contribute to discomfort in the lower back. It’s important to keep your spine healthy and to become aware of your daily movements. I see many students attending yoga classes with lower back pain. Here are five (5) poses you can safely practice on a daily basis. These poses relieve lower back pain, while allowing  you to bring more awareness (energy)  into your abdomen, lower back and spine. 

body, breathe, awareness 

  • Practice any one of these poses or any combination:Dandasana with sandbags on shins 
    ◦ Sit with both legs together and  extended out in front of you
    ◦ Can also place block between feet
    ◦ Sit on a blanket(s) if lower back bows backward
    ◦ Place yoga belt at thighs, near the knees, and press outward into belt from the lower side (hamstrings) oft the thighs to prevent external rotation of thighs
    ◦ Feet flexed with toes spreading out to the side
    ◦ Open the bottom of the foot
    ◦ Place feet on a wall, if you prefer additional feedback on the bottom of the feet
    ◦ Press the inner heels downward to anchor inner legs down, preventing external rotation of the thighs 
    ◦ Place 2-3 sandbags on lower shins, near flexed feet and resist shins up into weight
    ◦ Lift the hips up slightly, either separately or together
    ◦ Internally rotate inner thighs, while extending hips backward to lengthen the entire back of leg
    ◦ This will contract the quadriceps (front thigh) muscles which will lift the kneecaps towards hips
    ◦ Press thighs downward towards the earth 
    ◦ Continue to lengthen hips backwards, lengthening hamstrings (back thigh) muscles
    ◦ Then place hands behind you on sandbags, blocks or the earth, fingers pointing forward
    ◦ Point elbows backward and resist inner elbows inward
    ◦ Press hands downward to lift the sides of the torso,  from the hips upwards towards the armpit
    ◦ Breathe effortlessly and with ease  in pose for  5- 10 seconds

  • Supta Padangusthasana – Supine Mountain
    ◦ Lay on back 
    ◦ Lengthen the hips away from the lower back
    ◦ Place  2 sandbags on the right inner thigh and resist inner thigh downward
    ◦ Place another sandbag on belly region to keep it resisting downward
    ◦ Inhale. Take left leg upward while keeping leg straight – feel free to place a belt at bottom of foot to extend into
    ◦ Exhale. Take left leg out the the side. 
    ◦ Keep right leg engaged, pressing down into mat with the inner and outer heel
    ◦ Hold for 5-10 breath cycles 
    ◦ On your inhalation, bring left leg upward, towards sky
    ◦ Exhale, slowly descend leg to the floor
    ◦ Pause and breathe freely
    ◦ Feel the effects of the pose
    ◦ Repeat on second sid

  • Bhardavajasana – Seated Twist
    ◦ Sit with legs extended out in front of you with feet flexed (or place on a wall)
    ◦ Place a block or sandbag behind you
    ◦ Sit on a blanket(s) if lower back bows backward
    ◦ Place sandbag on inner, thigh of left leg 
    ◦ Press the inner heel downward of the left foot to anchor that leg
    ◦ Bend the the right leg and place right foot comfortably, about hip apart from the left leg
    ◦ Connect the foot completely to the earth
    ◦ Inhale, sweep the left arm up and lengthen spine upward, hold for a breath or two
    ◦ Take right hand behind you and place on block/sandbag to assist in lengthening the spine 
    ◦ Exhale and twist torso to the right
    ◦ Place the left hand around the right knee, slightly drawing the right knee inward and resisting outward
    ◦ Remember to keep anchoring the left, inner heel downward
    ◦ Exhale, wrap right arm behind you and place onto the block
    ◦ Gently turn head to the right to complete the twist at the neck
    ◦ Keep eyes soft
    ◦ Breathe freely 
    ◦ Anchor and widen the hips downward to stabilize the abdomen and lower back 
    ◦ When you feel release, lengthen the rib cage and upper torso upward
    ◦ Exhale and twist (upper torso) a little deeper to the right
    ◦ Hold twist for 5 easy breaths
    ◦ On your exhalation, twist back to center
    ◦ Repeat on second side

  • Kneeling Table w/ sandbags on shins, lower back and neck
    ◦ Sit in Virasana on a block with your heels touching the block
    ◦ Place 2 sandbags on your feet
    ◦ Come on to all fours
    ◦ Place your hands under your shoulders (or slightly in front) and place knees under your hips
    ◦ Keep inner elbows firm
    ◦ Place one sandbag on the back at the diaphragm and resist up into weight
    ◦ Place another sandbag on the neck and resist up into weight
    ◦ Inhale   
    ◦ Exhale and gently dome upper back, drawing shoulders blades  towards the midline
    ◦ Remember to keep the belly engaged to avoid dropping into the lower back
    ◦ Inhale and extend the right hand over the head and extend the left leg
    ◦ Hold pose 
    ◦ Exhale, place the right hand and left leg on mat
    ◦ Inhale and extend the left hand over the head and extend the right leg
    ◦ Hold pose 
    ◦ Exhale place the left hand and right leg on  mat
    ◦ Breathe effortlessly with ease for  5- 10 seconds

  • Ardha Chandrasana – Half Moon Pose w/ a table as a prop
    ◦ Point standing leg foot toes toward the table 
    ◦ Connect the big toe downward and spread out other toes
    ◦ Press the inner and outer heel downward, so most of the weight is on the heel
    ◦ Create an arch on the bottom of the foot by resisting the shin forward 
    ◦ Press the thigh bone backward to engage the qudriceps
    ◦ Lift the other leg upward from the inner thigh with knee pointing forward, foot flexed
    ◦ Tip the torso downward towards the table
    ◦ Rest the head comfortably, cradled in the arm,  on the table (use a blanket on table for comfort)
    ◦ Simultaneously press down through the inner and outer heel of both the standing leg and lifted leg, extend the legs
    ◦ Feel like you are squeezing the inner thighs together, to engage the abdominals and gluteus (butt) muscles
    ◦ Hold pose for 5-10 effortless breathes
    ◦ Inhale and come out of Pose
    ◦ Stand in Tadasana and feel the effects of the pose
    ◦ Repeat on second side
  • Tadasana w/ Side Bends – Standing Mountain
  • Utthita Marichyasana – Standing Twist
  • Bharadvajasana – Seated Twist on chair
    ◦ Sit on a firm chair (add blanket for comfort) 
    ◦ Face towards the right of the chair 
    ◦ Place feet firmly on ground, add 2-3 sandbags on feet to feel grounded
    ◦ Place a block between the knees and gently squeeze inward
    ◦ Sit on a blanket(s) if lower back bows backward
    ◦ Press the big toes down and spread out the rest of the toes
    ◦ Press the inner and outer heels downward 
    ◦ Connect the hips downward onto the chair to stabilize the hips
    ◦ Inhale, sweep both arms above your head
    ◦ Lengthen spine upward, hold for 1-2  breaths
    ◦ Exhale
    ◦ Lift and twist torso to the right
    ◦ Take right hand behind you and place either on back of chair or on the seat of chair
    ◦ The right arm behind you and presses down on chair
    ◦ Gently pull the inner, right shoulder blade muscle (rhomboid) towards the spine
    ◦ Place the left hand around top of the chair and resist the left shoulder backwards
    ◦ Gently pull the inner, left shoulder blade muscle (rhomboid) towards the spine
    ◦ Remember to keep anchoring the feet downward to stabilize the abdominals and lower back
    ◦ Gently turn head to the right to complete the twist at the neck
    ◦ Keep eyes soft
    ◦ Breathe freely for 5-10 breaths
    ◦ Continue to anchor and widen the hips downward to stabilize the abdomen and lower back 
    ◦ When you feel release, lengthen the rib cage and upper torso upward
    ◦ Exhale and twist (upper torso) a little deeper to the right
    ◦ Hold twist for another 5-10  easy breaths
    ◦ Exhale
    ◦ Twist back to the front
    ◦ Turn on chair and face towards the left of the chair
    ◦ Repeat on second side

  • Adhomukha Svanasana – Downward Facing Dog
    ◦ Sit in Virasana on a block with your heels touching the block
    ◦ Place 1 sandbag at your heels
    ◦ Come on to all fours
    ◦ Place your hands slightly in front of your  shoulders and place knees under your hips
    ◦ Keep inner elbows firm
    ◦ Plant the hands with the middle finger pointing towards the top of the mat
    ◦ Press the thumbs and pointer fingers evenly into the mat while spreading out the rest of the fingers
    ◦ Tuck the toes
    ◦ Inhale, Lift the hips up towards the sky
    ◦ Press down the big toes and spread out the toes
    ◦ Place heels on sandbag and extend the inner and outer heels backward
    ◦ Resist the lower shins forward
    ◦ Press the thighs backward
    ◦ Keep the back of the knees soft if your hamstrings are tight
    ◦ Extend the inner and outer arm to lengthen the upper spine
    ◦ While connecting the hand to the mat, see if you can internally rotate the lower forearm and externally rotate the upper arm to help you to both draw your inner shoulder blades towards the spine (rhomboids) and shoulder blades down your back (trapezius)
    ◦ Continue to resist shins forward and take thighs back to create more length in the spine
    ◦ Lengthen your neck and relax your face
    ◦ Breathe effortlessly in the pose 
    ◦ Breathe effortlessly and with ease for  5- 10 seconds
    ◦ Slowly drop down onto your knees
    ◦ Sit back on a block in Virasana (bent knee seated pose) 
    ◦ Slowly stand up to Tadasana (mountain)
    ◦ Feel the effects of the pose

  • Ustrasana – Camel Pose with a block on a chair
  • Downward Facing Hero Pose
    ◦ Sit in Virsasana on either the shins or a block placed between the feet 
    ◦ Feet in prone position (toes pointed backwards)
    ◦ Caution: if feet or ankles hurt in this pose roll up a blanket and place it under the front of the ankles for support 
    ◦ Bring hips to rest on the heels with your toes together and knees apart (if possible, knees can meet the edge of the mat)
    ◦ Place 2 sandbags on feet
    ◦ Exhale, walk the hands out in front of you, and keep the head slightly lifted off the mat
    ◦ Lift the hips again while extending the hips and lower back behind you  
    ◦ Keep the abdominal area spreading widely to the sides 
    ◦ Extend the arms in the pose to lengthen the upper spine towards the head
    ◦ Press the thumb and pointer finger evenly into the mat while spreading out the rest of the fingers
    ◦ While connecting the hands to the mat, see if you can internally rotate the lower forearm and externally rotate the upper arm to both draw your inner shoulder blades towards the spine (rhomboids) and shoulder blades down your back (trapezius)
    ◦ Find length in the sides of torso by resisting the forearms inward and upper arms outward (imagine pressing into door jams)
    ◦ Continue to press downward thru the thumb and pointer finger to lengthen the inner arm to armpit
    ◦ Resist the forearms upward and keep the inner elbows firm
    ◦ Keep the head slightly lifted in the pose while extending the neck
    ◦ Breathe effortlessly with ease for 10-20  seconds
    ◦ Slowly sit up to Virasana

  • Salamba Sarvangasana – Bridge Pose
    ◦ Lay on your back and outstretch your legs
    ◦ One at a time, bend each leg at a time and draw as close as comfortable to your hips
    ◦ Place a block between the knees and gently squeeze in
    ◦ Press down through your feet 
    ◦ Slightly lift your hips 
    ◦ Extend hips away from the lower back 
    ◦ Connect through the upper arms and gently externally rotate them
    ◦ Bend your elbows and draw them inward  
    ◦ Press down through the elbows 
    ◦ Lift the hips by pressing down through the feet
    ◦ Extend the knees away from the torso
    ◦ Lift the thighs upward leading with the outer thigh
    ◦ While lifting the hips keep them extending away from the lower back
    ◦ Breathe effortlessly with ease for 10-20  seconds

  • Savasana – Corpse Pose 
    ◦ Lay on back on mat
    ◦ Relax arms and legs out to the side
    ◦ Draw shoulder blades towards the ribs
    ◦ Completely relax for 5-10 minutes






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