Harness Your Power.
Harness Your Power.
Cross-training with yoga opens and challenges your body and mind to maximize your power, strength, and agility.
Athletic Sequences build confidence, core strength, muscle memory, and self-mastery.
Athletic Sequences utilize a diversity of yoga postures to re-educate your body in movement, alignment, and precision to optimize your athletic performance and to help you reach your fullest potential.
In pranayama (breath work), you practice breathing techniques to capture the power of your body and breath in a way that regenerates and restores your energies.
The aim of cross-training with Athletic Sequences is to harness and feel your power, so you fly to your highest heights with uplifting love, energy, and joy.
“Everyone desires more life energy. If energy could be packaged and sold in a shop, it would be the most successful business ever.” — B.K.S. Iyengar
Here are some sequences to increase your skills and abilities as a rock climber.